T he goal of MILESIANs is to breed this extraordinary Collie.......
the classic type full of beauty, elegance and dignity, coupled with
intelligence and kindness. A true collie - sweet and cuddly. FIT for
Therefore, we intend not to use
US collies but to continue combining INTERNATIONAL
bloodlines in order to maintain and create diversity - this is the classic collie gene pool. The ONE and ONLY classic FCI
Moreover we are in a group of engaged breeders who are working ...
The inbreeding coefficient of our most of collies is less than 11%. Most of them have COI of 0% which is a fantastic result.
Now it´s official: Our kennel has been registered and protected world
wide since early May 2013 at the FCI.
We are members of ....
Ob Fleisch oder Fisch – jede Sorte von GENESIS PURE bietet kraftvolle, lebensnotwendige Nährstoffe für ein starkes Immunsystem und die
Steigerung der mentalen Fitness.
Daher füttern wir von Beginn an WOLFSBLUT bzw. AniForte, das für uns das allerbeste Hundefutter ist und , sowie Roh- bzw. BARF COMPLETE Futter
(Rind, Pferd, Wild), das wir im Hundefeinkostladen in Wien per online Versand bestellen, zusammen mit Reisflocken, Gemüse, Obst - füttern. Außerdem bekommen sie Öle von MO´s Shop und
diverse Zusätze.